| 27 March 2020

Combatting the Coronavirus

At the time of writing the words coronavirus and COVID-19 have gone from distant obscurity to being of the
most commonly spoken words in the English language.

The situation with the coronavirus (officially “COVID-19”) has been rapidly evolving. It has quickly shifted
from something perceived as of little consequence, to a potential flash-in-the-pan problem, to a pandemic
with significant health, safety, political and economic ramifications. All of which have major impact on
the employment landscape. As such, it is essential for employers to get on top of their legal obligations,
understand the tools at their disposal and put strategies in place to manage the coronavirus pandemic.

This article outlines the essential information employers should know about how employment law intersects
with the issues arising from COVID-19, legal obligations upon the employer, options open to the employer
and ways to plan for the pandemic.


By Anthony Kamphorst, Solicitor

